A Tu B’ Shevat Interactive Experience of Judaism & Nature
with Dr. Gabe Goldman, renowned Jewish educator of Judaism through nature.
with Dr. Gabe Goldman, renowned Jewish educator of Judaism through nature.
Which tree bark makes delicious Kosher-for-Passover cookies & cake?
What role do wasps play in the making of a Torah?
Which of the Seven Species cures warts?
What’s Jewish about a moose?
Find out all this & more:
TBE, Friday, January 15, 5:45, followed bv dinner & then Services at 7: 30
CBI, Saturday, January 16, as part of the lunch fallowing services
This entertaining program will be of interest to all ages, pre-school on up.
Please feel free to attend either of the presentations & be prepared for a short walk outside, weather permitting.
Sponsored by the Flint Jewish Federation with funding from the Ravitz Foundation
RSVP to Flint Jewish Federation: 810-767-5922