Rock in the Red Zone
Rock in the Red Zone is an intimate portrayal of life on the edge in the war-torn city of Sderot. Once known for its prolific rock scene that revolutionized Israeli music, the town has been the target of ongoing rocket fire from the Gaza Strip. Through the lives and music of Sderot’s diverse musicians and the personal narrative of the filmmaker, who ends up calling the area home, the film chronicles the town’s trauma and reveals its enduring spirit.
Rotten Tomatoes
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Mixed or average reviews based on 4 Critics
'Rock in the Red Zone' revels in an Israeli underground music scene
By Martin Tsai
“On the west end of the Negev desert bordering the Gaza Strip, a vibrant and influential music scene thrives in Sderot, Israel, amid bombardment by Hamas. But in the documentary “Rock in the Red Zone,” it’s the brutal reality of life in the region that takes center stage.”

(Israeli/US, 2014) 87 minutes
not rated, subtitles
Type: Documentary
Director: Laura Bialis
Where: Flint Institute of Art
When: May 18, 2006 Wednesday
Time: 7:00 PM
Cost: $5.00